So, if you have been watching my blog and site you probably noticed that I forgot to update the New Stuff image last week and there is no new t-shirt today. Well, I've decided (after realizing that I have no time because of recently becoming engaged, hopefully starting a new job soon and general family things) that I'm going to make T-Shirt Tuesday a bi-weekly thing. I may kick it back up to weekly later but for right now every two weeks seems easier to manage. Hope you understand.
I love so many things about Japan. I love consumer technology and since so much of the best stuff gets seen and used in Japan before anywhere else, I've always been envious of Japanese users. Japanese cinema and Anime have always been among my favorite things to watch when I had some free time. And, who doesn't enjoy a good Godzilla flick?
You know another awesome thing that comes from Japan? Ninjas. Those super stealthy, expertly trained, martial artist assassins that have been around since at least the 14th century. Ask around and you're likely to see why they are so cool. In fact, I like them so much that I've made some t-shirt designs featuring, that's right, ninjas!
This weeks new design for T-Shirt Tuesday is called Ninja Respect (Sun) and features the striking silhouette of a ninja in front of a representation of the rising sun flag formerly used by the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy. Beneath the silhouette is the text "Respect the ninja". It's a pretty cool design that will look good on anyone so, if you like your ninjas like you like your men/women*, go on and check it out!
* I have no idea what I meant by that. It just came out on its own...that's what she said?
You know another awesome thing that comes from Japan? Ninjas. Those super stealthy, expertly trained, martial artist assassins that have been around since at least the 14th century. Ask around and you're likely to see why they are so cool. In fact, I like them so much that I've made some t-shirt designs featuring, that's right, ninjas!

* I have no idea what I meant by that. It just came out on its own...that's what she said?
It's T-Shirt Tuesday! Time for a new shirt release!
Today we have a design for the millions and millions of fans of one of the most popular games in the world, and one of the most difficult games to master, chess. Here is "Prepare to be Pawn3d!". I was on last week and saw that they have over 550,000 members and there were thousands of games being played online at the time. I tried my hand against the computer in their chess applet and got spanked...guess I need to practice.
The design is pretty cool (I think, at least). It has a sort of cascading front row of Pawns in front of a King and Queen with the text "Prepare to be Pwn3d!" written above. I like that it will definitely attract chess players because your Pawns can be so, so useful in a good game and can help attack and defend as seasoned players well know. I also like the text because "Pwn3d" can be read/translated as either "Owned" and can apply to more than just chess but it can also be looked at as saying "Pawned", which is more directly related to chess "ownage", one could say.
However you interpret it, we hope you like it. If you get one for yourself or for anyone else we'd love to see a photograph of our shirt being worn. I personally would love to see this worn by people playing chess. :D If you do have a picture of yourself wearing the shirt, e-mail it to us at and we'll post it on the site for all to see.
Today we have a design for the millions and millions of fans of one of the most popular games in the world, and one of the most difficult games to master, chess. Here is "Prepare to be Pawn3d!". I was on last week and saw that they have over 550,000 members and there were thousands of games being played online at the time. I tried my hand against the computer in their chess applet and got spanked...guess I need to practice.

However you interpret it, we hope you like it. If you get one for yourself or for anyone else we'd love to see a photograph of our shirt being worn. I personally would love to see this worn by people playing chess. :D If you do have a picture of yourself wearing the shirt, e-mail it to us at and we'll post it on the site for all to see.
I am excited to announce that today, April 7th, is the inaugural T-Shirt Tuesday.
..."What the heck is T-Shirt Tuesday?", you're probably wondering. Well, I am starting an initiative to release at least one new shirt design per week and that release will happen every Tuesday (hence the name). I'm going to try to keep it up for as long as I can (...twss) so we'll see how it goes. I've got enough in the hopper to last a good while so it should be fun. Now, on to today's new shirt!.jpg)
For my first T-Shirt Tuesday design I'm referencing one of my favorite television shows, The Office, and everyone's favorite Michael Scott line, "That's what she said". If you don't know what The Office is I have to imagine you have been living under a rock. If you watch The Office, however, I hope you'll appreciate the shirt. The front has Michael Scott's immortal line and the back is a list of situations and phrases in which placement of "That's what she said" would be abso-friggin'-lutley hilarious. I like it and have one myself but I've not been so bold as to wear it to my own office yet. Maybe if I hit the lottery I can wear it on my quitting day. I can dream...
Oh yeah, plus I've got a second version of the design slightly modified with a bonus phrase for Cleveland Cavs fans! I'm pretty sure Austin Carr never intended for that phrase to be followed by TWSS.
So, enjoy the new shirt and remember to sign up for the e-mail updates to keep up with future T-Shirt Tuesday releases.
..."What the heck is T-Shirt Tuesday?", you're probably wondering. Well, I am starting an initiative to release at least one new shirt design per week and that release will happen every Tuesday (hence the name). I'm going to try to keep it up for as long as I can (...twss) so we'll see how it goes. I've got enough in the hopper to last a good while so it should be fun. Now, on to today's new shirt!
For my first T-Shirt Tuesday design I'm referencing one of my favorite television shows, The Office, and everyone's favorite Michael Scott line, "That's what she said". If you don't know what The Office is I have to imagine you have been living under a rock. If you watch The Office, however, I hope you'll appreciate the shirt. The front has Michael Scott's immortal line and the back is a list of situations and phrases in which placement of "That's what she said" would be abso-friggin'-lutley hilarious. I like it and have one myself but I've not been so bold as to wear it to my own office yet. Maybe if I hit the lottery I can wear it on my quitting day. I can dream...
Oh yeah, plus I've got a second version of the design slightly modified with a bonus phrase for Cleveland Cavs fans! I'm pretty sure Austin Carr never intended for that phrase to be followed by TWSS.